appliance-cli post

Create an API resource


Create a new API resource.

The available API resources are generated based on the release version of the appliance. To discover the available endpoints, have a look at the --help out. You can also use tab completion, or refer to the appliance management API specification to discover them.


To enable tab completion, refer to appliance-cli completion

You can pass parameters with help of the CLI shorthand. Have a look at the basic usage section of the appliance-cli --help, or refer to the official documentation.

You can filter the output to narrow down the information that is relevant to you. Also have a look at the basic usage section of the appliance-cli --help, or refer to the CLI shorthand querying syntax


Your setup may require authentication. If you receive an unauthorized response code (401/403), it indicates that the authentication configuration is missing or faulty. Please follow these steps to set it up correctly:

  1. Run appliance-cli context configure <name> to add a new configuration, or amend an existing configuration.

  2. Ensure the correct base address is set.

  3. Setup authentication credentials, if necessary (http-basic, auth2)

If you have multiple profiles in an appliance context, make sure you have selected the correct one. The appliance-cli uses default unless specified otherwise. You can override this by passing the --profile flag.

appliance-cli post <resource> [arguments] [flags]


  appliance-cli post cppki/trcs <trc.pem
  appliance-cli post cppki/certificates/renew 'subject.isd_as: "1-ff00:0:111"'


      --ca-cert string       Set trusted CA certificate
      --context string       Select the appliance context
      --fail                 Fail with exit code on HTTP errors
  -f, --filter string        Filter response using CLI shorthand (default "body")
      --format string        Output format [auto, json, yaml, table] (default "auto")
      --header stringArray   Add custom header(s)
  -h, --help                 help for post
      --insecure             Disable SSL verification
      --no-cache             Disable HTTP cache (default true)
      --no-paginate          Disable auto-pagination
      --profile string       Select authentication profile (default "default")
      --query stringArray    Add custom query parameter(s)
      --raw                  Output response in raw format
      --retry int            Number of retries on HTTP failure (408,425,429,500,502,503,504) (default 2)
      --timeout duration     Timeout for HTTP requests
  -v, --verbose              Enable verbose log output