scion-pki kms

Run the step-kms-plugin


This command leverages the step-kms-plugin to interact with cloud Key Management Systems (KMS) and Hardware Security Modules (HSM).

The commands are passed directly to the step-kms-plugin. For more information on the available commands and their usage, please refer to the step-kms-plugin documentation at In order to enable KMS support, the step-kms-plugin must be installed and available in the PATH.

Various commands of the scion-pki tool allow the use of KMS. In all cases, the private key needs to already exist in the KMS. To instruct the scion-pki tool to use the key in the KMS, the –kms flag must be set.

For more information about supported KMSs and uri pattern, please consult

scion-pki kms [command] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for kms


  • scion-pki - SCION Control Plane PKI Management Tool