scion-pki certificate fingerprint

Calculate the SHA256 fingerprint of a certificate or certificate chain


‘fingerprint’ computes the SHA256 fingerprint of the raw certificate or certificate chain.

If ‘cert-file’ contains a single certificate, the SHA256 is computed over the raw DER encoding. If it contains a certificate chain, the SHA256 is computed over the concatenation of the raw DER encoding of the certificates in order of appearance.

If the flag –format is set to “emoji”, the format of the output is a string of emojis

scion-pki certificate fingerprint [flags] <cert-file>


  scion-pki certificate fingerprint ISD1-ASff00_0_110.pem
  scion-pki certificate fingerprint --format emoji ISD1-ASff00_0_110.pem
  scion-pki certificate fingerprint --format hex ISD1-ASff00_0_110.pem


      --format string   The format of the fingerprint (hex|base64|base64-url|base64-raw|base64-url-raw|emoji). (default "hex")
  -h, --help            help for fingerprint