appliance-cli edit

Edit an API resource


Conveniently edit a specific API resource. This is a combination of an invocation to appliance-cli get and appliance-cli put on the endpoint.

You can either use interactive mode or pass modifications with CLI shorthand syntax as arguments.

To launch the interactive mode, you will need to pass the -i flag. You will need to have either the VISUAL or EDITOR environment variables set, which configures the editor of your choice. E.g., to configure VSCode, you can set the VISUAL environment variable:

export VISUAL="code --wait"

To configure vim, you can set the EDITOR environment variable:

export EDITOR="vim"

To configure nano, you can set the EDITOR environment variable:

export EDITOR="nano"

The available API resources are generated based on the release version of the appliance. To discover the available endpoints, have a look at the --help out. You can also use tab completion, or refer to the appliance management API specification to discover them.


To enable tab completion, refer to appliance-cli completion

You can pass parameters with help of the CLI shorthand. Have a look at the basic usage section of the appliance-cli --help, or refer to the official documentation.

You can filter the output to narrow down the information that is relevant to you. Also have a look at the basic usage section of the appliance-cli --help, or refer to the CLI shorthand querying syntax


Your setup may require authentication. If you receive an unauthorized response code (401/403), it indicates that the authentication configuration is missing or faulty. Please follow these steps to set it up correctly:

  1. Run appliance-cli context configure <name> to add a new configuration, or amend an existing configuration.

  2. Ensure the correct base address is set.

  3. Setup authentication credentials, if necessary (http-basic, auth2)

If you have multiple profiles in an appliance context, make sure you have selected the correct one. The appliance-cli uses default unless specified otherwise. You can override this by passing the --profile flag. `

appliance-cli edit <resource> [arguments] [flags]


  appliance-cli edit -i config
  appliance-cli edit config ''


      --ca-cert string       Set trusted CA certificate
      --context string       Select the appliance context
      --edit-format string   Format to edit [json, yaml] (default "json")
  -f, --filter string        Filter response using CLI shorthand (default "body")
      --format string        Output format [auto, json, yaml, table] (default "auto")
      --header strings       Add custom header(s)
  -h, --help                 help for edit
      --insecure             Disable SSL verification
  -i, --interactive          Open an interactive editor
      --no-cache             Disable HTTP cache (default true)
      --no-paginate          Disable auto-pagination
      --profile string       Select authentication profile (default "default")
      --query strings        Add custom query parameter(s)
      --raw                  Output response in raw format
      --retry int            Number of retries on HTTP failure (408,425,429,500,502,503,504) (default 2)
      --timeout duration     Timeout for HTTP requests
  -v, --verbose              Enable verbose log output
  -y, --yes                  Disable prompt (answer yes automatically)